A scandalous sex video has surfaced on the net, allegedly featuring Mexican actress Galilea Montijo and a bunch of guys. Who is this woman and why do celebrities keep making sex videos that are going to leak?
Galilea Montijo Photos
Full Name:
Galilea Montijo
June 5, 1973
Birth Place:
Guadalajara, Mexico
5' 7"
Career Start:
Premio mayor, El (TV 1995)
A Mexican actress, Galilea Montijo first earned fame by winning "La Chica TV." Her other credits include "La Verdad Oculta", "El Premio Mayor", "Azul", "Tres Mujeres" and "Hospital el paisa." She has also starred on reality series "Big Brother 3 VIP" and "Bailando por un SueƱo."
"galilea montijo"Galilea Montijo